About Us

My Story

In homeschooling my two children from pre-school through high school, and teaching pre-school music for 20 years, I saw that every student had learning strengths and weaknesses. My research taught me that every person has one of four learning modalities: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Tactile. I learned to design and teach my lessons with each students’ learning style in mind. This is called differentiated instruction. This model teaches to the students’ strengths and mediates the weaknesses through direct instruction of learning strategies. When my children went off to college, so did I. I had my degree from Warner Southern University in Lakes Wales, Florida in Organizational Management. Through the Educators Preparation Institute at Indian River State College, Vero Beach, Florida, I obtained my Florida Teachers’ Certification in Special Education, along with my Reading Endorsement and Teaching English as a Second Language. During this time I continued to differentiate instruction to teach to the students’ strengths, and mediate the weaknesses. But the weaknesses were still there and the students still needed support and accommodations to be successful. As they progressed to Middle and High School they received less and less support. They continued to deal with frustrating learning weaknesses and didn’t attain the success they saw others achieving with less work. This in turn affected their self-esteem and their inner self-talk became more and more negative. This saddened and frustrated me. When I heard of NILD Educational Therapy I knew what I was hearing had merit.

Larette headshot

On further pursuit I found that NILD Educational Therapy answered my questions and put the hope back into my vocation. I love my students’ and their parents and identify with their frustrations and fears. Through working in this program as an Educational Therapist I hope to raise awareness of what Educational Therapy is and how it can help students achieve academic success. My goal is, with God’s blessing, to unlock each students’ potential, expand the vision of their future, and promote a positive, “I can do it,” attitude.


  • Bachelor of Arts: Warner Southern University
    Currently working towards:
    Masters of Education in ESE with a Concentration in
    Educational Therapy: Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida
  • NILD – National Institute for Learning Development
    Level 2 – Therapist
  • Florida DOE Professional Educator’s Certificate # 942978
    • Elementary Education (K – 6)
    • Middle Grades Integrated (6 – 9)
    • PreK/Primary (Age 3 – Grade 3)
    • Exceptional Student Education (ESE) (K – 12)
    • Reading Endorsement (K – 12)
    • ESOL English as a Second Lang. (K – 12)
  • Homeschooled 2 children through High School 1989 – 2006
  • Worked in Public Education 2004 – 2017
  • Associated with Master’s Academy NILD Department
  • Private Practice – Anchor and Wings Educational Therapy (2018 – current)
